Custom requests

In addition to keeping a variety of common items in stock, I also do custom pieces upon request.

Recently I was approached by a lovely fire twirling lady who wanted me to make her part dragon. She chose the colours and let my imagination take care of the rest. The end result was a matching collar and garter in large orange and black aluminium scales.

Images above provided by Workmanlike Images and used with permission from both photographer and model.

Below is the collar (or mantle) in various stages of completion and fitting. The garter was thrown together on the day of the photo shoot, so there’s no progress photos of it.


The client was most impressed with the final piece, and that always makes me happy. Still hoping to receive a few more of the final photos from the shoot (I wasn’t able to be there for it, sadly).

A few new items and a new name

For a while now, I haven’t really liked the name “Merrick’s Medieval Makings” and so I have changed to one suggested a while back by a cousin, “Cin’s Chainmail Curios”.

I’ve also hardly made anything for a long while, but finally felt like crafting some pieces over the past couple of nights. One has already found a new home.

I’m still uncertain about the silver one, I think I might change the pendants.